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Chuhan Jiao is a PhD student in the Perceptual User Interfaces group since December 2022. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology from Donghua University, and a Master's degree (with honours) in Computer Science from Aalto University. His research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision and human-computer interaction. He now works on Unsupervised Learning of Deep Gaze Behavior Representations within MSCA Doctoral Network Eyes4ICU.


Machine Perception and Learning (Tutor) (winter)Master
Machine Perception and Learning (Tutor) (winter)Master


Offline Resumption Detection in Reading (B.Sc.) Abel Gitzing+
+Co-supervised with Francesca Zermiani and Ekta Sood

Open Thesis Projects

Gaze and Head Redirection with Implicit Neural RepresentationsMaster


  1. DiffEyeSyn: Diffusion-based User-specific Eye Movement Synthesis

    DiffEyeSyn: Diffusion-based User-specific Eye Movement Synthesis

    Chuhan Jiao, Guanhua Zhang, Zhiming Hu, Andreas Bulling

    arXiv:2409.01240, pp. 1–22, 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  2. DiffGaze: A Diffusion Model for Continuous Gaze Sequence Generation on 360° Images

    DiffGaze: A Diffusion Model for Continuous Gaze Sequence Generation on 360° Images

    Chuhan Jiao, Yao Wang, Guanhua Zhang, Mihai Bâce, Zhiming Hu, Andreas Bulling

    arXiv:2403.17477, pp. 1–13, 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. SUPREYES: SUPer Resolution for EYES Using Implicit Neural Representation Learning

    SUPREYES: SUPer Resolution for EYES Using Implicit Neural Representation Learning

    Chuhan Jiao, Zhiming Hu, Mihai Bâce, Andreas Bulling

    Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), pp. 1–13, 2023.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. VisRecall: Quantifying Information Visualisation Recallability via Question Answering

    VisRecall: Quantifying Information Visualisation Recallability via Question Answering

    Yao Wang, Chuhan Jiao, Mihai Bâce, Andreas Bulling

    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 28 (12), pp. 4995-5005, 2022.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project