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Everyday Eye Contact Detection Using Unsupervised Gaze Target Discovery

Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Andreas Bulling

Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), pp. 193-203, 2017.

Best Paper Honourable Mention Award


Eye contact is an important non-verbal cue in social signal processing and promising as a measure of overt attention in human-object interactions and attentive user interfaces. However, robust detection of eye contact across different users, gaze targets, camera positions, and illumination conditions is notoriously challenging. We present a novel method for eye contact detection that combines a state-of-the-art appearance-based gaze estimator with a novel approach for unsupervised gaze target discovery, i.e. without the need for tedious and time-consuming manual data annotation. We evaluate our method in two real-world scenarios: detecting eye contact at the workplace, including on the main work display, from cameras mounted to target objects, as well as during everyday social interactions with the wearer of a head-mounted egocentric camera. We empirically evaluate the performance of our method in both scenarios and demonstrate its effectiveness for detecting eye contact independent of target object type and size, camera position, and user and recording environment.



@inproceedings{zhang17_uist, title = {Everyday Eye Contact Detection Using Unsupervised Gaze Target Discovery}, author = {Zhang, Xucong and Sugano, Yusuke and Bulling, Andreas}, year = {2017}, pages = {193-203}, doi = {10.1145/3126594.3126614}, booktitle = {Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)}, video = {} }